New Year, New Office – Reasons why you should upgrade your office space this 2021

This article was published on: January 27th, 2021

Tags: fit out, improvement, new year, new year new office, office upgrade, renovation, workplace, workplace upgrade

The new year opens a new opportunity for businesses and companies to upgrade their office and work spaces. After recognizing the importance of workplace design, more companies and individuals are paying greater attention to how it impacts the performance, motivation, and morale of its employees.

Still thinking about doing an office upgrade this 2021? Here are some reasons on why you should do it now:

More efficient workplace

Many changes have happened during the pandemic, especially for businesses and companies across the globe. Some have unfortunately reduced workforce, while others need lesser office space after allowing remote work arrangements. In 2021, upgrade your office by making your space more efficient and beneficial for your employees by changing and its layout and maximizing its use for everyone.

Maximize productivity

Improving your office design will also mean maximizing the productivity of your workforce. Studies show that a new workplace design can significantly increase productivity levels, as your employees will feel happier in a more positive environment. It can also be a nice incentive for your employees as they start the new year.

Shifting to Sustainability

Sustainability became one of the trends in 2020 as more businesses learn how it can help in reducing annual energy costs and promote efficiency in the workplace. Experts also say that this trend will most likely continue as many prioritize their health, well-being, and the environment. Moreover, a green and sustainable workplace lead to happier and more productive employees as research show improved morale and mood inside the office.

Upgrading your office towards sustainability can be as simple as improving lighting, utilizing better air filters for improved indoor air quality, and allowing more natural light to enter the workspace.

Promote health and well–beingAfter the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way people live, many have become more aware and conscious of their important health and well-being, especially in the work setting. Improving your office can also benefit the physical and mental health of your employees, leading to other benefits for your business.

Planning to upgrade your office this year? Let us discuss your options. Contact Lana Kier at or call us at (+63) 2-7971-0238.

Meet the Team Heads: Jen Panganiban, Office Manager

This article was published on: December 2nd, 2020

Tags: employees, management, new normal, office manager, people, post lockdown, post pandemic, project management, staff, T1, team, transactions, welfare, wellbeing

For years, Jen’s work routine has revolved around putting everything in place for T1 Project Management. Handling the day-to-day operations of a dynamic company like T1 is as exciting as it is challenging. Coming from a different walk of life, she admits that doing something you are not familiar with can be scary at first, but with the right people, motivation, and training, you’ll get there.

“It was not smooth at first,” Jen shared. “But T1 has become a home and learning institution for me. They train you how to think. They challenge you to be better. They provide a role model for you,” she added.

Being one of the pioneer employees when T1 started in 2016, Jen describes her relationship with the company as mutually beneficial – she watched the company grow and the company molded the person she is today in return. Being the “fixer” and the “go-to” person of everyone in the team made Jen realize how essential her role is in the company. However, she admits at times, the pressure can get to her.

“I had doubtsabout coming to the construction sector, as I came from a different industry, and I had heard construction can be fast paced and high pressure, but as I strived to learn and familiarized myself with how things work, I found my place within the company.”

For Jen, getting her work done is not only about completing operational tasks or overseeing processes, it is building a connection with each of her team members to gain their trust and confidence. “I have gotten to know each individual that comprises the team and learned how they would help in making a project successful. I have learned to adapt to all sorts of people. I try my very best to connect with each of them, thankfully, the management is supportive enough to provide us a good working atmosphere by having our team lunches, seminars, team building, and virtual parties.”

Office Manager and Home Maker

More than just a company, T1 serves as family for Jen. “We created a strong bond which was paramount for me. Through the years the management has made me feel that I am a trusted to represent the company and make decisions, and I am very much thankful for that.” To her, the whole team and the management is a whole support system that will always have her back.

Moreover, the company is Jen’s home – a happy place where she works, laughs, and learns. “It’s somewhere where you are valued, respected, and cared for. Most importantly, I believe that home means a secure, cheerful place where you are respected and loved.”

“I help fix almost all of the issues in the office from simple attendance glitch to basically project closing. I can say that I’m the go-to person of everyone who needs advice or directions on their current professional and sometimes personal matters.” She compares her role as the office manager and as a home maker and realize it’s essentially the same. “As a mom of 2 boys with different personalities and preferences, you can only imagine how I am able to handle dealing with lots of different persons in one go. It’s initially challenging but eventually satisfying seeing them overcome their problems.”

What makes her stay

It’s the little things that matter to Jen, and not surprisingly, with the company that has been her home for the past years. “They value the smallest view or opinion you contribute to the team. It breaks down the wall that makes people hesitate to share what they know because of fear of being judged,” she shared. What makes it more rewarding are the benefits and perks T1 offers its people – from wellness programs to activities that foster collaboration and team bond. “They will let you see that you must have a work-life balance by providing activities that would let us have fun and enjoy work at the same time. Who would not stay for that?

Meet the Team Heads: John Fiel Almosara, General Manager

This article was published on: November 4th, 2020

Tags: employees, general manager, management, new normal, people, post lockdown, post pandemic, project management, staff, T1, team, transactions, welfare, wellbeing

John’s day typically starts with his teammates in mind. As the General Manager of T1, his role within the team is more crucial than ever as the world adapts to the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the main overseer of the tasks, projects, deliverables, and the overall day-to-day operations of the whole company, he admits that he makes it a point to manage each workday properly by touching base as much as he could.

“I’ve always made it a point to catch up with the team on the projects they are handling. Given the pandemic, my day typically starts with conference calls for each project, which goes throughout the day. In between, I go through my emails, check our financials, HR matters, and other project deliverables,” he shared.

T1’s General Manager believes that how a company treats its people reflects on the company’s reputation, and directly translated to the quality of its output. Aiming to always be on top of everything, John shares he always goes back to one of the main principles of the company. He focuses on prioritizing what to do first by keeping its employees in mind. “The welfare of our staff comes first. As we are a manpower-based company, we must make sure that our people have all the tools they need to perform their tasks,” he added.

More than keeping all the projects in line and successfully delivered, John said that the challenge is making sure T1 employees feel happy with their work. “I have been with T1 from the very beginning, and for the past several years I have witnessed how far we have come,” he shared. “The most challenging part of being a General Manager is keeping everyone in the company happy and keeping employee morale high especially during the pandemic.”

John noted that the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent lockdowns and quarantines are something nobody has foreseen and prepared for, but he is grateful to have a team that is very supportive and thinks of the company’s benefit as a whole. “There have been some sacrifices that needed to be taken, and I am just glad that the team has been supportive and understanding. Thanks to them we have kept everyone and have avoided retrenchment of our employees. , ”

Transitioning into the new normal has been quite the adjustment to everyone, including the construction industry.. “We hold virtual meetings, implement adaptive ways of conducting inspections, ensure stricter implementation of safety protocols, and extend programs of work, among others,” John said. “We also had to modify some of our systems to make sure we are practicing the protocols set by the government for the safety of the project team while ensuring our client’s expectations are well managed. ” For John, the pandemic has opened other opportunities in the industry, and sees a bright future ahead for the business “We still have a long journey ahead of us, but I see T1 being one of the top construction consultancy firms in the country with the help of our dedicated staff and the values we live by as a company.”

On the subject of managing projects, John adds, “The most exciting part of the job is when we get through a major hurdle on the project. This is mainly because the team has come together, and each made every effort to resolve the issue. This boosts the morale of everyone and inspires us to be better.”

As a General Manager, he always ensures that the team members of T1 get the support that they need, especially given the current work set up. “The staff is our top priority. They are the reason T1 Project Management is where it is today.”

Turning Offices Into Smart Workplaces After COVID-19

This article was published on: October 15th, 2020

Tags: business continuity, change, companies, contactless, COVID-19, culture, innovation, new normal, office, post pandemic, smart office, smart workspace, technology, transition, workspaces

Despite the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the return to the office is still inevitable. In the Philippines, more businesses and developers are realizing the importance of ensuring that the workplace is safer and prioritizes the welfare of its occupants.

According to, remote working will not completely obliterate what the traditional office can offer: Colleagues, Collaboration, and Culture. Therefore, transforming the space in terms of design, location, and allocation should be considered. As an additional precautionary measure, the shift to a smarter workplace proves to be more beneficial and resilient in the long term.

Leveraging on existing innovation and technology is not only a value add but guarantees a safer space that reduces the risk of contracting the virus. Increased demand for spaces that adopt technologies that smoothen remote working and support companies’ environmental, sustainability, health, and wellness will be observed.

In a recent webinar, T1 General Manager John Almosara presented a three-point roadmap in securing the future of the workplace in the new normal. In his presentation, the paradigm of the office should undergo three changes – physical change, technical change, and smart change.

Shift to Smart Workplace

Technological integration is key in successfully transitioning your office into smart workplaces. Sensors around the spaces can provide useful insight on how to right-size your workplace. This will enable businesses to match the change in workforce reporting to their physical space, and how to better cater to their needs.

Protection of occupant wellness and safety is also an aspect contactless or touchless technology can cover. Thermal cameras or scanners can monitor the temperature of employees or visitors going in and out of the building. When integrated into an Internet of Things (IoT) platform or database, property or facility management teams can easily assign different working zones to avoid contamination.

John also noted the importance of safeguarding common spaces in an office building as well, such as the lobby, elevators, meeting rooms, pantries, and lounge areas.

Similarly, occupants will require frequent access to crucial information such as air quality and hot zones around the building. This is where mobile apps or public-facing dashboards can be useful for the convenience of sharing and receiving updates on both ends.

Common areas will also change dramatically as it is tagged as a high contact point in most workplaces. Smart restrooms will be prioritized by employing door contact sensors, anti-bacterial additives in hand washing and drying fixtures, and an app-based alert system for sanitation or disinfection reminders.

John reiterated that companies should consider their office’s movement, physical distancing, and sanitation for developing systems into the new normal.

Truly, the pandemic has long-lasting impacts on the conduct of business as we know it. Given that the need for physical space is here to stay, maximizing technology is an easy solution to invest in, and utilize to ensure safer reentry to the office without compromising the wellness or safety of its occupant.Looking for a smart workplace design consultation? Reach out to Lana Kier at

T1 Regional Portfolio: Exploring Cebu as the Visayan Capital

This article was published on: October 5th, 2020

Tags: builds, Cebu, commercial management, corporate, fit-outs, hospitality, hotels, JDC, JEG Tower, offices, Philippines, project management, resorts, T1, Visayas, World Remit

Cebu is considered as the Queen City of the South in the Philippines. Primarily known for its bustling tourism industry, the provincial island boasts of its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and rich culture and heritage. It is also emerging as an economic center out of Metro Manila for local and international occupiers that are looking to locate their business outside of Luzon.

Over the years, Cebu’s Tourism Industry has been in an all-time high as more local and international travelers flock to the province’s white sand beaches with crystal clear waters, captivating caves and adventure spots, and its rich culture and heritage. According to the Department of Tourism, Cebu was the 2nd top foreign destination in the Philippines with over 1.4 million international travelers in 2019.

T1’s hospitality builds portfolio continues to grow in this region as we partner with the newest luxury boutique hotel in Mactan.

This high-end hotel and resort is set to be the next architectural icon in the island of Mactan that would offer local and international guests a world class experience. T1 has provided project management, design management, and quantity surveying consultancy for this resort opening soon.

Cebu Central Business District also emerges as a viable location for businesses in the Visayan Region. Cebu IT Park and Cebu Business Park provides commercial spaces that companies can use as office or for retail establishments.

Among the office establishments within the Cebu CBD, JEG Tower @ One Acacia stands out as the newest premium green building. Being LEED Pre-certified Silver, it aims to be among the best places to work in the city.

T1 Project Management has partnered with JEG Development Corporation, one of the most established developers in the Cebu region. Having carried out several horizontal developments, JDC has embarked on their first mid-rise development through this future-proof structure that integrates sustainability and sophistication.

Aside from office buildings in Cebu, T1 also handles office fit-outs. World Remit is a multinational company who looked to Cebu as the ideal location for their Philippine branch. T1’s regional operations in Cebu provided for them a hassle-free turn-key solution by way of T1’s Design and Build service.

Cebu is an emerging economic and hospitality destination in the Philippines. Supported by sustained government projects and commercial real estate developments, this metropolitan city outside Luzon is set to be more successful and highly urbanized in the coming years.

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