Author: iManila Dev

Meet the Team Heads: Dovie Ancheta, Licensed Architect and Head of Iloilo Office and Operations

This article was published on: September 1st, 2020

Tags: architecture, corporate, hospitality, Iloilo, management, project management, quantity design and build, regional operations, T1, Visayas

“Construction, project, and people management have always been my passion since I was little,” T1’s Iloilo Team Head Dovie Ancheta shares. “Earning people’s trust and respect, by advocating and sharing professionalism and passion to a high standard work quality is a small but satisfying return that I will never get tired of.”

Being assigned to spearhead a team away from the head office is a balance of excitement, opportunity, and struggle for Dovie who is a licensed architect. Iloilo is known as one of the top tourist destinations in the Philippines and one of the emerging next wave cities in the country. She spearheads a remote team in the province which primarily handles corporate and hospitality projects for firms, multinational companies, hotels, and resorts in Visayas.

“It’s like an all-expense-paid vacation! Accommodation, transportation, and food are all included,” Dovie joked when asked about the best part of her work. “But kidding aside, it is always a good experience to be assigned elsewhere, meeting and managing new people we end up being friends with who are potential assets to myself and the company.”

Dovie acknowledges that it takes a lot of responsibility, dedication, and skills to lead a remote team. Representing T1 in Iloilo, she shares that more than creating connections, she aims to “establish mutual trust and respect between the team and people we work with.”

“Not only within the T1 team, but also to the people we mingle with daily – from our clients, vendors, and contractors to our drivers, guards, and local construction workers,” Dovie said. “For me, our field is not only delivering the project in a quality and timely manner, but it is also keeping our peers/network intact with mutual trust and good relationship upon each and every closeout.”

In contrast with the competitive, fast-paced, almost 24/7 working time in Manila and Metro Cebu, Dovie shared that their approach is ‘gentler’, adapting to the local cultureof their clients in Iloilo. “Locals are very ‘malambing’ (sweet) and ‘matampuhin’ (sensitive)’,” she shared. “Language barrier can be difficult as well, but it is always good to expand our vocabulary skills.”

However, this change in leadership style and work culture does not diminish T1’s commitment to delivering quality projects and builds. “We maintain the company’s standards in delivering quality work harmoniously.” Working amid the pandemic opened a greater challenge for Dovie and the team. “It was like a bomb, but we dared to continue working with extreme caution,” she shared. “Despite the pandemic, the team agreed to report on-site to set an example and display the sense of urgency and continuity to the project overall—strictly following health protocol and measures.”

Dovie takes pride in practicing a standard throughout every work or task she is assigned to. “I am proud of managing people and earning respect and trust, not only from the team internally but most especially from our clients.” She also feels most proud of starting up a project and setting up a standard system.

“I personally am grateful to learn something new in the process, including understanding how to deal with different types of people we work with,” she shared. “While I am an architect by profession, my passion is inclined to project and people management.”

T1’s ideals and company values inspire Dovie to be a great leader and example to her team. “T1 will always stand out by maintaining and meeting our network’s crucial expectations with utmost importance.”

For Dovie, the best reward in her line of work is the satisfaction of delivering beyond the client’s requirements and standards. “I literally got a random “tight hug” from our client’s CEO after a high-level meeting. Everyone had an “awe” face after that. It sounds funny, but her way of showing appreciation (in front of her company’s directors and chairman), made it unexpected and very memorable to me.”

Aside from delivering quality results, T1 inspires their people to do what they love and enjoy what they do. “I’ll share what I recall from our company chairman, who used to ask us one by one in the office before: “Are you happy? Because that’s also very important”. This same question made me realize that our team values and ethics are not only about delivering quality output and meeting demands, it is also about ensuring our people are well managed. It’s never the quantity, but always the quality of our work.”

How can your office design affect your employees’ wellbeing

This article was published on: August 27th, 2020

Tags: collaboration, health, layout, office, physical health, psychosocial health, set up, well-being, wellness, workplace design, workplace strategy, workstation

While office trends may be dynamic, its impact on the health and well-being of the employees should always be one of the priorities of its design. A healthy workplace is an ideal place to work in. According to some research on employee behavior, one of the top three factors that employees look for in a job is a company’s commitment to the health and wellbeing of its employees. This is given more emphasis as the world transitions to the new normal, giving a deeper definition of what a healthy workplace should look like.

The physical space where employees spend the majority of their time daily has a very significant impact on the overall physical and mental well-being of people. An ideal and ‘healthy’ workplace is a space that leads to a less stressful and more productive atmosphere. Companies can provide a healthy workplace by ensuring that the physical work environment is set to the highest industry standards and criteria. An ideal physical work environment ensures that the design and layout of the workplace are optimal for the comfort, productivity, and motivation of its employees.

The design of an office can greatly influence the overall health of its occupants. Architects, engineers, and designers should consider many factors when building a healthy workplace such as:

  • Materials used from construction – green materials should be considered to avoid the hazardous gasses (VOCs) that most carpet, paint, and other materials emit years after construction is complete
  • Furniture selection – correct ergonomics in furniture that promote good posture will allow your employees to work more effectively
  • Indoor air quality – a good air filtration system prevents viruses from being passed from one employee to another
  • Light quality – work areas should well distributed general lighting with little to no glare for an ideal work environment
  • Reverb control – the ideal sound level in an office is around 55 decibels. This is can be achieved by installing sound regulating materials in the walls, ceilings, or floors of your office
  • Integration of speech privacy detailing – provide areas for your employees to have private conversations such as phonebooths and huddle rooms

Workplace design should also prioritize the psychosocial health of the employees. A healthy workplace should go beyond physical modifications and provide greater support to employees to their social needs in the office. The open office layout that supports collaboration and fosters communication within teams inside the workplace is found to be more ideal for employees. The

workplace design should center on versatility, spatial choreography, effective detailing, and design ingenuity. According to experts in workplace design and strategy, to support this well-being aspect, spaces should be experiential for employees.

Emphasizing the importance of promoting health and wellness has never been more important. As the globe continues to battle the pandemic, office buildings and workplaces have been implementing stricter measures to ensure their occupiers’ safety and security. Offices are even identified as one of the locations where viruses spread quickly in a matter of hours given the amount of time employees spend inside these shared spaces.

Designing a ‘healthy’ workplace should not only focus on disease prevention but should also upgrade the lifestyle and general wellness of its employees—facing a pandemic or not.

Meet the Team Heads: Bien Bullicer, Head of Operations, Visayas and Mindanao

This article was published on: June 25th, 2020

Tags: Cebu, corporate, hospitality, Iloilo, Mindanao, project management, quantity design and build, regional operations, Siargao, T1, Visayas

T1 Project Management continues to expand their diverse portfolio and regional operations to emerging key locations outside Metro Manila. Focusing on hospitality and corporate builds, Bien Bullicer spearheads the team that handles accounts mainly in Metro Cebu . He oversees the regional operations of T1 in Visayas and Mindanao.

From offices, commercial spaces, and hotel fit-outs and refurbishments, Bien is the one coordinating with the main office located in Manila. Despite the distance, he noted that the experience in leading a regional arm of T1 by himself is challenging yet exciting.

“Though I am based in Cebu, there is still a lot of guidance and learning along the way,” Bien said. “Working closely with our chairman Dan Anderson, and through the help of Dave and John, T1’s expertise is successfully delivered even outside of Metro Manila and to Visayas and Mindanao.”

Project Execellence Despite the Distance

T1 ensures that the regional team delivers the best quality and value of service even outside Luzon. Committed to delivering project excellence regardless of location, Bien ensures that the company’s values and standards are observed and implemented in every project.

“We maintain relationships with our network here to keep us off the ground, but with close communication and alignment with the head office and the rest of the team, we are always in the right direction.”

Bien also takes pride that T1 is always client-centric from conceptualization to handing over of the keys. “We maintain relationships and camaraderie with our clients like no other,” he added.

Beating Heart of T1

When asked about the most challenging part of his job, he shared that he finds managing different kinds of people is most crucial and yet the most essential.

“It’s always about managing people—whether they are contractors, suppliers, consultants, clients or even our own project managers,” he said. “Talking to people and finding out each and everyone’s expectations is crucial in our line of work. This is how you can actually get things done.” Bien attributes the success of T1’s operations to his teammates, which he called the ‘beating heart’ of the company.

“It is always challenging to balance between business and people,” he shared. “Working with them and winning projects are always memorable for me. These makes all things worthwhile.”

The Importance of Pre-construction Planning: How T1 continues providing excellent end-to-end service despite the lockdown

Pre-construction planning, also known as the Planning Stage, is the key element in ensuring a project is successfully delivered. It is at this stage that we forecast and analyze the potential risks and at the same time, a phase where we establish mitigating measures to prevent it.

T1 is committed to providing end-to-end project solutions to our clients. John Fiel Almosara, the company’s General Manager, believes that projects are more successful with a solid pre-construction plan.

“A good pre-construction plan can be achieved with the following,” Almosara said. “It should establish the scope of the project, establish the anticipated budget, and prepare an anticipated project schedule and timeline.”

Whether this is understanding how the logistics shall work on-site, resource planning, or long lead planning, T1 works on a commitment-based approach that identifies target delivery dates and meets deadlines.

Through Construction Project Management, the team integrates daily, weekly, and monthly planning into the wider construction program.

“We engage our construction division early to identify design issues and errors and push through the resolution of the issues before they delay activities on-site,” Almosara said. “We target the Building Services as particular priorities and make the resolution of these issues a priority at a senior level within the team,” he added.

Now that the island of Luzon and some parts of the Philippines are under enhanced community quarantine, majority of businesses shifted to a work from home scheme to continue its operations. For T1, this can be used to your advantage.

“By planning ahead, the success rate of the project is greatly increased,” Almosara said. He believes that businesses and companies can take advantage of the business slowdown and lockdown period to develop their pre-construction planning stage.

“For projects that are still within the early stages, we advise to take this time to complete the procurement of any outstanding contract packages, (materials, equipment, and manpower). This will recover some of the lost time due to the situation, as the awarded package contractors would be able to prepare their preliminary documentation and be ready to start straight away once the quarantine period is lifted,” he explained.

Material and equipment production, similar to most industries, are very much affected. Almosara emphasized the importance of reviewing and reassessment of the procurement schedule given the delay in production. “This will help the client adjust their cash flow disbursement and reorganize their business units as move-in dates will also be affected,” he said.

Almosara also noted the importance of locking down the design during the pre-construction phase. “This will minimize change orders and variation cost during the construction period, which would affect the overall budget. Given the lockdown, it is good to make use of this time to go through the design and close-out the remaining items.”

T One Project Management is well equipped with the right people to help both existing and prospective clients in their projects whatever phase they may be in during the pandemic. Our team of Project Managers has organized project structure and execution plans for our clients as mitigating measures to recover some of the delays due to the quarantine period. ;

“Our in-house Design Team provides design and design management service; T1’s Quantity Surveying Team can help establish the over-all project budget or provide a detailed review of their current project cash flow and how the lockdown would impact this; and finally, our Planning Team provides a Project Timeline that reflects the impact of the lockdown period.”

Backed by our dedicated and highly skilled team, T1 continues providing excellent, full end to end solutions and services to our clients. “We use multiple meeting platforms to make sure we can get on a call and meet with the project team and clients. Each department is working remotely and is equipped with the tools needed to perform their task,” Almosara said.

The Importance of Pre-construction Planning: How T1 continues providing excellent end-to-end service despite the lockdown

Pre-construction planning, also known as the Planning Stage, is the key element in ensuring a project is successfully delivered. It is at this stage that we forecast and analyze the potential risks and at the same time, a phase where we establish mitigating measures to prevent it.

T1 is committed to providing end-to-end project solutions to our clients. John Fiel Almosara, the company’s General Manager, believes that projects are more successful with a solid pre-construction plan.

“A good pre-construction plan can be achieved with the following,” Almosara said. “It should establish the scope of the project, establish the anticipated budget, and prepare an anticipated project schedule and timeline.”

Whether this is understanding how the logistics shall work on-site, resource planning, or long lead planning, T1 works on a commitment-based approach that identifies target delivery dates and meets deadlines.

Through Construction Project Management, the team integrates daily, weekly, and monthly planning into the wider construction program.

“We engage our construction division early to identify design issues and errors and push through the resolution of the issues before they delay activities on-site,” Almosara said. “We target the Building Services as particular priorities and make the resolution of these issues a priority at a senior level within the team,” he added.

Now that the island of Luzon and some parts of the Philippines are under enhanced community quarantine, majority of businesses shifted to a work from home scheme to continue its operations. For T1, this can be used to your advantage.

“By planning ahead, the success rate of the project is greatly increased,” Almosara said. He believes that businesses and companies can take advantage of the business slowdown and lockdown period to develop their pre-construction planning stage.

“For projects that are still within the early stages, we advise to take this time to complete the procurement of any outstanding contract packages, (materials, equipment, and manpower). This will recover some of the lost time due to the situation, as the awarded package contractors would be able to prepare their preliminary documentation and be ready to start straight away once the quarantine period is lifted,” he explained.

Material and equipment production, similar to most industries, are very much affected. Almosara emphasized the importance of reviewing and reassessment of the procurement schedule given the delay in production. “This will help the client adjust their cash flow disbursement and reorganize their business units as move-in dates will also be affected,” he said.

Almosara also noted the importance of locking down the design during the pre-construction phase. “This will minimize change orders and variation cost during the construction period, which would affect the overall budget. Given the lockdown, it is good to make use of this time to go through the design and close-out the remaining items.”

T One Project Management is well equipped with the right people to help both existing and prospective clients in their projects whatever phase they may be in during the pandemic. Our team of Project Managers has organized project structure and execution plans for our clients as mitigating measures to recover some of the delays due to the quarantine period. ;

“Our in-house Design Team provides design and design management service; T1’s Quantity Surveying Team can help establish the over-all project budget or provide a detailed review of their current project cash flow and how the lockdown would impact this; and finally, our Planning Team provides a Project Timeline that reflects the impact of the lockdown period.”

Backed by our dedicated and highly skilled team, T1 continues providing excellent, full end to end solutions and services to our clients. “We use multiple meeting platforms to make sure we can get on a call and meet with the project team and clients. Each department is working remotely and is equipped with the tools needed to perform their task,” Almosara said.

Meet the Team Heads: Carmi Buen, Lead Quantity Surveyor

This article was published on: March 31st, 2020

Tags: commercial management, construction, cost management, cost planning, project management, quantity surveying, quantity surveyor, T1

T1 takes pride in delivering successful projects for our clients. Lead Quantity Surveyor and Commercial Manager Carmi ensures that all our client’s contracts are rightfully and thoroughly observed.  

After 10 years of industry experience, Carmi boasts of a competitive skillset and impressive knowledge in the field. Carmi is a capable leader with a background in managing contractual and commercial aspects of construction projects. She leads her team in providing commercial management services for large residential developments, industrial plants, office buildings, shopping malls, and many others. She ensures that her team is up-to-date with the latest market data and quantity surveying standards. 

As Lead Quantity Surveyor, Carmi takes a huge part in terms of decision making in the financial aspect of the projects handled by the company. For her, the job is very much similar to the role she takes in real life. “As a professional Quantity Surveyor whose main task is to manage the cost and contract, it is related in my personal life in terms of decisions making,” she shared.

“As the lead quantity surveyor for T1, I find it most exciting whenever we experience commercial complexities in construction projects, this is where we can find opportunities that may be a benefit our clients’ commercial goals” Carmi said. “Spearheading the whole department, I ensure the performance of the team complies with the Philippine-set standards, along with other internationally-set standards as well.” 

T1 is committed to constant improvement and innovation. “We are continuously improving our systems and services and therefore our quality of our work by having a close working relationship with our clients to ensure a seamless transaction with them,” Carmi shared. 

“I am always delighted whenever we are able to exceed the client’s expectations in terms of the project’s commercial aspects from outset to completion,” she added.

Meet the T1 Team Heads: Laurenz Santa
Cruz, Design & Build

This article was published on: March 5th, 2020

Tags: company, Design and Build, head, profile, services, T1, team

T1’s Design & Build service is a testament to their commitment to providing a full-service experience to its clients. From interior design, project management, and construction proper, the team is headed by Laurenz Santa Cruz. 

As a licensed architect with extensive field experiencein vertical construction and fit-out projects. She has previously worked on architectural design, quantity surveying, quality assurance and quality control, procurement management, and project management. 

Leading one of the core services team within the company, Laurenz finds the challenges she encounters at work exciting.  

“We often face the challenge of delivering a project within a timeline and a set budget,” she shares. “We focus on interior design principles and engineering efficiencies to align our client’s budget with their business requirements, and then we go all in to deliver their project successfully.”

Laurenz draws inspiration from her client’s individual characteristics and brand identity when leading a project at hand. “We strive to have an understanding of our client’s business,” she said. “This is why meeting with them and hearing their story is very crucial in delivering a design and build project that is specific for them, and reflects our client’s identity.” 

Overseeing client meetings, design, costing, and construction, Laurenz takes pride in her team. T1 is made up of professionals who give emphasis on collaborative and collective work and take action to achieve a goal and successfully finish a project. 

“One of the most exciting parts of the work for me involved the whole team. I distinctly remember our PM team joined together for a PC installation for one of our clients,” she shares. “We all gathered, unboxed, and set up the computers. It was a simple moment, yet it was very unique and memorable for me as it definitely helped strengthen the bond within our T1 team.” 

The T1 Blueprint 

Laurenz shares what makes T1 different from the others: “T1 believes in the ‘Best Practice and Commitment- Based Approach’. We at T1 hold this principle close to our minds and hearts. We believe that delivering what you had committed to our clients will reflect our understanding of what they value and how we take good care of them.” 

Laurenz reiterates the importance of aligning with the client’s goals and needs. “We are responsible and driven to achieve the same goal with the client as translated to our output,” Laurenz said. “Our work doesn’t end once we have delivered the project,” she added. “We build relationships with our clients because we give them importance. We look to extend our relationship with clients further than what is detailed in our contracts and this reflects T1’s commitment to project excellence that delivers.”

Get Fit: The largest and friendliest all day-
everyday access fitness facility in the
Philippines is now open

This article was published on: March 2nd, 2020
Tags: BGC, designandbuild, fitness, getfit, gym, health, T1, wellness

The largest and friendliest all day-everyday access fitness facility in the Philippines is
now open in Market! Market! Get Fit 24/7 is the Gym for EVERY Body.
True to its vision and mission of servicing everybody—literally and figuratively, Get Fit
is open and accessible for 24 hours a day for every single day of the week. Without
compromising the quality of the equipment and service of the gym coaches and
staff, Get Fit offers low membership rates without hidden fees and charges.
Driven to serve a wider range of clientele, Get Fit hosts a variety of fitness classes and
health programs. Dedicated for weight loss, fat burn, toning, yoga sessions, and
dance classes, the company has derived a schedule which members can refer to.
These extensive group fitness classes are exclusively offered by Get Fit 24/7 to
provide different options they can select for them to achieve their fitness goals.
A selection of their classes are in partnership with Les Mills, a world-renowned name
in the fitness industry. Through their highly acclaimed Bodypump, Bodyjam, and
Bodycombat classes, Get Fit 24/7 members will surely reach their body goals the fun
and engaging way. Members can choose whichever class or activity they want to
attend to per week, which are free to attend.
T1 Project Management was in charge of the Design and Build of this 1,000 sq m
space. Get Fit provides a clean, friendly, and non-intimidating environment
completing the top-grade equipment and amenities that the members can use to
work out and exercise.

Join one of our classes now!

To book an appointment and more information, contact:
Get Fit 24/7 Market! Market! at +63 929 182 7589
Follow us on our social media accounts:
Facebook: Get Fit 24/7 Market Market

Instagram: @getfit247mm

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